Supreme Commander Collection
In Supreme Commander, players will experience brutal battles on a massive scale! Players will wage war by creating enormous customisable armies and experimental war machines that can change the balance of power at any given moment. Take the role of one of the enigmatic commanders, representing a unique faction with a rich story that brings a new level of emotional connection to the RTS genre, or fight the battle online. Where do your loyalties lie? Play today!
Supreme Commander Collection
In Supreme Commander, players will experience brutal battles on a massive scale! Players will wage war by creating enormous customisable armies and experimental war machines that can change the balance of power at any given moment. Take the role of one of the enigmatic commanders, representing a unique faction with a rich story that brings a new level of emotional connection to the RTS genre, or fight the battle online. Where do your loyalties lie? Play today!
Once war was declared, the army attempted to mobilize the troops very quickly. The fatigued British and French troops, who had been fighting since August 1914, sorely needed the relief offered by the American forces. In May 1917, General John Joseph "Black Jack" Pershing was designated the supreme commander of the American army in France, and the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) were created. Pershing and his staff soon realized how ill-prepared the United States was to transport large numbers of soldiers and necessary equipment to the front, where supplies, rations, equipment, and trained soldiers were all in short supply. Since even the transport ships needed to bring American troops to Europe were scarce, the army pressed into service cruise ships, seized German ships, and borrowed Allied ships to transport American soldiers from New York, New Jersey, and Virginia. The mobilization effort taxed the limits of the American military and required new organizational strategies and command structures to transport great numbers of troops and supplies quickly and efficiently.
Throughout 1917 and into 1918, American divisions were usually employed to augment French and British units in defending their lines and in staging attacks on German positions. Beginning in May 1918, with the first United States victory at Cantigny, AEF commanders increasingly assumed sole control of American forces in combat. By July 1918, French forces often were assigned to support AEF operations. During the Battle of St. Mihiel, beginning September 12, 1918, Pershing commanded the American First Army, comprising seven divisions and more than 500,000 men, in the largest offensive operation ever undertaken by United States armed forces. This successful offensive was followed by the Battle of Argonne, lasting from September 27 to October 6, 1918, during which Pershing commanded more than one million American and French soldiers. In these two military operations, Allied forces recovered more than two hundred square miles of French territory from the German army.
Related Records: Pre-Presidential papers, 1916-52, of Presidentand General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme CommanderAEF (1944-45), in Eisenhower Library. Papers, 1942-61, and acollection of World War II documents, 1941-45, of Lt. Gen. WalterBedell Smith, Chief of Staff, SHAEF (1944-45), in EisenhowerLibrary.
Textual Records: General records, consisting of decimalcorrespondence, 1944-45, and separate project file, withmicrofilm copy (56 rolls); and incoming and outgoing messages,1944-45, and related logs, with a microfilm copy of the messages(19 rolls). Records of the Leaflets Section of the Directives andCurrent Propaganda Office, consisting of collections of Alliedpropaganda leaflets and periodicals in the various western andcentral European languages, 1944-45, and related disseminationlogs and index; with a partial microfilm copy (7 rolls).
Textual Records: Records of the Publicity and PsychologicalWarfare Section, including central decimal correspondence, 1943-45; a manuscript history of the section (1943-45), n.d.; andnumbered instructions to press censors, issued by the PressCensorship Branch, 1944-45. Records of the Armored Section,including subject correspondence, 1944-45; armored unit activityreports, 1945; and a collection of War Office (British) technicalintelligence summaries, 1944-45. Records of Headquarters SpecialTroops, including central decimal correspondence, 1944-45; court-martial case files of the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate,1944-45; subject correspondence and investigatory reports of theInspector General's Section, 1944-45; and subject correspondenceof the 12th Army Group Liaison Detachment (Signal Information andMonitoring, "SIAM"), 1944-45. Records of other organizations,including decimal correspondence of the Artillery Section, 1943-45; war diaries of the Anti-Aircraft Artillery Section, 1944-45;decimal correspondence of the Finance Section, 1944-45;investigatory reports of the Inspector General's Section, 1944-45; two manuscript histories (December 1943-July 1945) of theMedical Section, 1946 and n.d., respectively; a manuscripthistory (March 5, 1944-May 9, 1945) of the Ordnance Section, May29, 1945; subject correspondence of the Quartermaster, Signal,and Transportation Sections, 1944-45; and subject correspondenceof Static Liaison Staff Number 4, April-August 1945.
Textual Records: Security-classified microfilm copy of records ofSpecial Force Headquarters (SFHQ), London, consisting ofdirectives relating to the organization and function of SFHQ,1943-44; an English-language manuscript history of the commandorganization of the French Forces of the Interior (FFI), by theFFI commander, Gen. Pierre Joseph Koenig, n.d.; and dailysummaries of resistance activities in the occupied countries ofWestern Europe, prepared by SFHQ for SHAEF G-3 Division, June 5,1944-May 7, 1945 (1 roll). Records of Headquarters Allied LandForces Norway, consisting of war diaries of subordinateorganizations, 1945, and correspondence and other records of thePsychological Warfare Group, 1945. Records of Headquarters BerlinDistrict, consisting of decimal correspondence, January-June1945; a security-classified microfilm copy of the decimalcorrespondence, 1945, and of general orders issued byHeadquarters Berlin District, 1945 (1 roll); and incomingmessages, May 17-25, 1945.
Textual Records: Photostatic copy of general subject-numericfiles, 1943-47. Microfilm copies of other general records,including a subject file, 1942-47 (1 roll); a subject-numericfile, 1942-47 (12 rolls); intelligence summaries and notes, ca.1942-47 (13 rolls); records relating to orders of battle of theGerman and Hungarian armies, ca. 1942-47 (10 rolls); card filesand other records relating to prominent individuals in the Balkancountries and the USSR, and to military subjects, 1942-47 (5rolls); copies of Joint Intelligence Committee analyses, withrelated records, ca. 1942-47 (1 roll); and annotated copies ofMediterranean Joint Planning Staff issuances, ca. 1942-47 (2rolls). Microfilm copy of a collection of intelligencepublications, maintained by the Library Subsection, 1943-45 (7rolls). Microfilm copy of country handbooks and of a map showingareas of responsibility for topographical intelligence,maintained by the Topographical Subsection, 1943-47 (3 rolls).
History: Allied Control Commission for Italy (ACC) established asan AFHQ organization, directly responsible to the Commander-in-Chief, Allied Force, effective November 10, 1943, byAdministrative Memorandum 74, AFHQ, November 2, 1943, supersedingthe Allied Military Mission, which had been established by AFHQ,September 12, 1943, to negotiate an armistice with thegovernment, headed by Marshal Pietro Badoglio, recognized by theAllied governments as the legitimate political authority. ACCresponsible for effecting the transfer of Allied-occupied Italianterritory to Italian Government jurisdiction, and for ensuringthe Italian Government's adherence to the armistice, signedSeptember 3, 1943, with terms specified and agreed to, September29, 1943. During period November 1943-January 1944, three AFHQorganizations exercised military government functions in Italy:ACC; Headquarters Allied Military Government (AMG), functioningin the stable occupied areas; and Headquarters AMG Allied CentralMediterranean Force (ACMF, formerly 15th Army Group),controlling, in the combat zone and the immediate rear area, AMGunits serving with Fifth U.S. and Eighth British Armies. In areorganization of military government activities effected byGeneral Order 5, AFHQ, January 24, 1944, Headquarters AMG andHeadquarters AMG ACMF were abolished, with functions assumed byACC; ACC was removed from direct responsibility to AFHQ andassigned to ACMF; and Lt. Gen. Sir Noel Mason MacFarlane wasdesignated both ACC Chief Commissioner (thus, chief executiveofficer) and ACMF Chief Civil Affairs Officer. By same generalorder, AMG units serving with Fifth U.S. and Eighth BritishArmies were assigned administratively to ACC, but remained underoperational control of the respective army commanders. ACCsupervised all regions of Italy except Venezia Giulia and Udine,which remained under AMG supervision (see 331.31). Pursuant to ajoint declaration by President Roosevelt and Prime MinisterChurchill ("Hyde Park Declaration"), September 26, 1944, that theword "Control" would be removed from the ACC name to mark thetransition from Allied to Italian Government jurisdiction, ACCredesignated Allied Commission (AC) by a memorandum from G-5Section, AFHQ, to Headquarters ACC, October 24, 1944. ACorganizations gradually discontinued, 1944-46. AC abolished byStaff Memorandum 3, AFHQ, January 31, 1947, in accordance withCombined Chiefs of Staff signal message FAN 711, January 11,1947, with residual functions divided, in AFHQ, between Office ofthe Chief Civil Affairs Officer (formerly Office of the AssistantChief of Staff, G-5) and the newly established Italian MilitaryAffairs Section. 041b061a72